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Why Join


Our 5 Day Events are jam packed with speakers, coaches, and experts who can help you in ways you have yet to dream of!

From preventing burnout to increasing sales to launching a new dream, project management, or optimizing performance, we have you covered.


5 Day With Us is absolutely focused on delivering useful content to you in ways that respect your time investment in what we present to you. Whether our 5 Day events are short, quick sessions with high impact messages, or whether they are full on intensive programs, either way you're going to find that your time spent over 5 days with us is going to be some of the most valuable time you'll spend ANYWHERE.


In Life you only have two times when you can do something - Now, or Later. You can absolutely control what you focus on NOW but you never know what's going to happen LATER, so if you don't take action NOW, there may not be a LATER in which you can take actions like this that can have a direct impact on how you do what you do. A lot of our 5 Day With Us events are One Time Only events, so there simply won't BE a LATER to attend them, for example, so if there's a subject that you know you can use some expert guidance on, then get your tickets or access NOW while there's still time.


5 Day With Us is a format of livestreamed and/or in-person events that are specifically designed to be HIGH IMPACT, HIGH VALUE events, that are very respectful of your time. Some events are free, some are paid, and some are premium events, but regardless of how much you pay for it, each event is highly focused on delivering clear, observable outcomes to you right from the start.


We really have three formats that we work with at 5 Day With Us: 1) we have a highly focused, short form content , multiple sessions daily style of engagement, usually livestreamed by pros and experts in their fields; 2) we have an intensive online expert Speaker/Instructor-Led full day content-heavy, experiential events; and 3) we have live, in-person intensive exclusive immersive executive retreats focused on delivering high-impact experiences combined with action-taking and deal-making opportunities for immediate outcomes. No matter which format you choose, our 5 day events are powerful choices on your path to success in any goals or endeavours.

Here Was

Our Latest Event

Jason Stonehouse
The Calm And Confident Leader


Jason Stonehouse has decades of experience helping people just like you to Break Their Burnout Cycles, and let's face it, that's something most of us could really use some help with right now.

Take a few minutes each day to work with jason on this super fast, high value FREE 5 Day Challenge and help yourself and those you know to Burnout Proof your lives.


Event Schedules

Session 1

Session 1

This is our Challenge Launch and Kickoff! Make sure you come early so you can download your digital assets for the day and can get the most out of being on the Live Stream.

Day 1 Wrap-up Session

Day 1 Wrap-up Session

Each day we have a quick session to get you started on the day, and then we have a wrap up session where we bring the accountability partnership into play so you get the chance to see how your work on the Challenge went that day.

Day 2 Morning Session
  • 10:00 AM CST
  • Jason Stonehouse
  • YouTube and Facebook Live

Day 2 Morning Session

Jason Stonehouse has the next steps you need to make real changes in your life to combat Stress, Anxiety, Overwhelm and Burnout. Work along with your free digital assets to keep building on Day 1's achievements!

Day 2 Accountability Session

Day 2 Accountability Session

You've made a GREAT START, so this session is really to cheer you on, help you build the habits and accountability you need to succeed this week by keeping the momentum up with the right tips and tools you need to succeed. And if you're a little behind already, that's ok, this session can help you get back on track and focus on the important tasks ahead.

Overcoming The Mountains Session

Overcoming The Mountains Session

Every Challenge reaches a point where you're doing the serious work of changing your life, and likely the lives of the people around you as a result. But it's also the time where confusion, frustration, anxiety, and overwhelm tend to kick in. In this session, Jason will help you deal with the overwhelm of the Challenge and guide you through the next steps so you can keep moving forward in reducing your Stress, Anxiety and Overwhelm.

Making The Work Count Accountability Session

Making The Work Count Accountability Session

In every Challenge we face in Life, there comes a point, a pivotal moment where we tip the scales in terms of success or failure in achieving our goals. Today's accountability session can really help you tip those scales in your favor by bringing your focus on your Challenge work to bear so you can earn the rewards you've been working on so far.

Burnout Proof Challenge Exercises Catch Up

Burnout Proof Challenge Exercises Catch Up

Yes, exercise has been shown to have a profound impact on your ability to handle stress, recover from overwhelm, and reduce anxiety, and we're fully supportive of you getting a calorie burn on whenever you can. But today we're focusing on different kinds of exercises, from the breathing exercises we started earlier in the week to the other work that our digital assets are designed to help you work through. Today is the last big push you need to get over the hurdles you face in terms of reducing your stress and handling your anxiety and overwhelm. So jump in, catch up on any exercises you missed so far, and let Jason steer you to your big push over the finish line.



This is IT! You've almost done it! We're so proud of you and the work you put into this Challenge, and this afternoon's session is going to help drive home some of the most important lessons you encountered during the Challenge. You've done amazing work and it shows. You can have a powerful impact on your stress, overwhelm, and anxiety by continuing to work on the lessons, habits, skills, and tools, you've experienced during this Challenge, and we can't wait to hear your success stories in the Facebook Event comments section or in our Calm And Confident Leader Facebook Group.

Challenge Finale Session

Challenge Finale Session

And just like that, all great things must come to an end, and this Free 5 Day Burnout Proof Your Life Challenge has definitely been a great experience. You've had a chance to work on your Stress, your Anxiety, and your Overwhelm with some guided lessons, free digital assets, and the time you needed to focus, accountably, each day on putting them to work. Now you have a new Challenge, and that will be taking what you've learned and applying it in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead to keep Burnout from doing so much damage as it has to so many people. This session brings everything together and gives you a chance to keep your momentum going, and to capitalize on everything we've all worked on together so far.


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